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Author Posts

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Unboxing Happiness: Navigating the Pursuit of Meaning and Happiness in a Consumer-Fueled World

As we journey through life, we often yearn for something more. Children experience carefree happiness, finding it in the laughter of friends and the f

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Hypertension – The Silent Killer…

Hola! Today, we shall be looking into a well known yet very well ignored disease which affects the entire body, slowly, silently but surely. As you w

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Raising A Responsible Citizen

By Sebastian Eluehike. Raising a responsible citizen is like dancing the tango – it takes two to make it work. Just as a tango dancer needs a partn

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Husband and Wife Practicals 101

By Victor Iloba. On this inaugural edition of Husband and Wife Practicals 101, perhaps it is nice to start with this anecdote from my village. A you

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The Weather Report

By Chidi Ezekobe. A few weeks ago, I found myself on a farm where I had been to see a friend during my leave of absence from work. I had decided to t

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Till Death Do Us Part – 2

Click here to read part 1. Now to permanence. It is good for the couple because it encourages the fullness of their self-donation. Commitment to a re

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Till Death Do Us Part – 1

By Mike Ijeh. Marriage is a natural institution. It transcends all cultures, religions and societies. It accords with the nature of humans who are ma

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